Recently, Pornkamol Mongkolsermsak was caught trying to sneak into the US. She is of Thai national and was once deported and 48 years old. She was found inside of a suitcase that was in the back of a vehicle. This happened on the US-Mexico border. I think this is crazy trying to sneak into a country! Especially inside of a suitcase. I would never want to be crammed like that. What are your thoughts on this crazy attempt.What do you think should happen to the woman found and the man trying to help her across?
Below is the picture of the woman inside of the suitcase. Read the article here.
Why did she try sneaking in? Interesting topic and well done!
I think the man and her should get sent to jail. Because it is illegal to sneak into the country and the man let her try. She could of suffocated in the suitcase. Then the man would be responsible for her death.
I would feel so claustrophobic being in such a small area.. In a way i kind of feel bad for he because she is so desperate to get into the U.S.
I think she should be sent back to her country. For the man trying to help her I think they should be punished as well.
She should not be allowed in to the U.S. and the man should be fined for trying to sneak people into the U.S. Besides that would be a terrible way to try and sneak it it would hurt and not be very easy and also not very smart.
I think this lady is crazy for being packed into a suitcase for so long just to come to the U.S. I would never be able to be crammed in a tiny place for that long. I think she should get sent back and not be allowed here since the only way she can get into the U.S is by sneaking in.
Some people would do anything to get a better life. I might do something similar if I was struggling to make money in a less fortunate country.
people will do anything to obtain a better life. In this case the lady thought it was a good idea to hide in a suit case. Either way, the smarter alternative would have be to simply come over legally and go through the proper ways of getting into the country.
That is crazy! Who would even want to be in that small of place for that long! She should be in some serious trouble for trying it!
This is very crazy! I never would of thought someone actually would try this. I think a lot of punishment should be done to both of them.