Think of how many times a day you use streaming services such as YouTube, Spotify, and Pandora. Have you ever thought much to open your iTunes account? I certainly don't. That's where Apple is having problems. Their profit is declining because of these other music services."But many people say they are leaving iTunes simply because it isn't that easy to use" is stated in the article. "It was built for older things," [Mosley] says. "I think it's just kind of been added onto since then, and that's just going to make it heavy and slow. Spotify, these new applications, they have the advantage. They are starting fresh." says Mosley. 

Do you think iTunes/Apple should have a music streaming option?
How often do you stream music? 

Click here for the article.

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  • Good topic choice! You could have replied a bit more however.

  • Itunes/Apple should do whatever they feel fit to do. They are expanding greatly across the world and they have accomplished so much in the little time they have been around. I don't stream music often, I will listen to songs during either study hall, or warming up for a wrestling match. But even then I have only 1-3 songs I will listen to. That's just me.

  • iTunes is originally a music company, so I think it is good for them to save their own streaming and buy button in the top right corner. I stream music everyday on spotify, which I like better than iTunes because spotify has less ads.

  • Apple does have radio, which is similar to music streaming, but I believe that adding a music streaming option would benefit them. I would definitely use this product because I could use it on my phone, which I almost always have with me. I don't stream music very often, however. It's just not something that I like to do.

  • I personally use spotify every day, and haven't used Itunes sense spotify came out. Itunes main just isn't worth it because why download music for money when you can get them same music for free on any device? It's just not worth spending money for.

  • I know iTunes has a radio option, but I think they should try to get involved in the streaming business too if they want to increase their profits. I use YouTube for music once in a while, but normally I don't listen to music other than when I'm in my car. 

  • Itunes has an optional radio streaming choice already. Its like pandora and spotify but you can chose what song you want to listen to on the radio for itunes. I stream music a lot and only use Itunes music that I already downloaded in the past if I dont want to use up my data. I could see where Itunes is having problems with this.

  • I never really use iTunes because its way easier to stream music with Pandora and Spotify. I think they should but I don't think that's going to happen.

  • I use iTunes every once in a while but the thing I don't like about it is that after listening to the song after awhile, I get tired of it and half to buy more and so it kind of wastes money but I do like owning the songs. I have the Beats music app which I like because you can stream music all of the time unlimited but it does cost money but you can get as many songs as you want. 

  • I pretty much knew this would happen, most people i know don't use i tunes. I think there main competitor right now has to be spottily. Me personally I use spottily nearly everyday, but i use to use i tunes all the time. These companies are just streaming bye apple music whys. I think apple needs to look into more free music like spottily.   

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