Winter Storm Frenzy

A winter storm that first started in Southern California has made it's way all the way to Texas and is expected to hit the East Coast also. This huge winter storm has killed people because of car crashes and icy roads. Airlines has pre-cancelled about 300 flights already because of how bad the storm is. Due to the flights being cancelled this affects some people who are going to see family on Thanksgiving. 

I think that people should stay off the roads unless it is completely safe so they can save their own lives. I feel bad for the people who this is affecting on Thanksgiving because maybe they don't get to see their family at all during the whole year. I also find it kind of weird how the storm started in California and went to Texas, those states don't usually get snow at all during winter. 

Does the storm affect you this Thanksgiving? Would you go out on the icy roads and risk your life to see your family?

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  • Well done Alec!

  • It's a cold but safe thansgiving~

  • That is so sad! Hopefully it doesn't come our way. :( But I hope everyone is okay and well.

  • I don't think you should got out in bad condition and risk your live to see family. You could always wait a day until it gets better. Sometimes you just have to because otherwise you never see them, but its not worth using your live, because then they would never see you again! 

  • The storms didn't affect me but I can see how it affected a lot of people because I'm betting its the only time people can see their families so they would try their hardest to do it. It's sad that they died while driving and hopefully this doesn't happen as much because people are careful about it. 

  • I think that people should not risk their lives in an accident to see their family. I would talk with my family that I did not get to see and try to schedule another time that we can get together. Or I would tell my self that I will see them next year.

  • This is too bad, Thanksgiving is a big family holiday. I wouldn't risk my life to see my family because the family I see on Thanksgiving I can see pretty much anytime. 

  • I don't think I would risk the roads for thanksgiving I would possibly save my own life and stay home

  • I don't think most of the places are used to that much snow, so they should definitely stay off the roads and stay safe.

    • That's true, people that are having the bad weather don't really have the best idea of what to do because they don't get snow to often. I'm sure they would have a good idea of what and what not to do. 

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