Why Runners Need Yoga.

Runner John Farah has ran over 430 races and 123 of those were marathons. his wife is very active in taking yoga classes and she continually kept telling John that he needed to start doing some yoga to loosen up his muscles, and prevent/ heal injuries. As time went on john realized his wife was right. He started to become way more prone to injuries as time went on. ...''I figured if I wanted to keep being able to run, I had better learn how to stand still''... john quotes. he joined yoga desperate to keep his times up when running his marathons, he quotes ...''Over time, I've improved. Physically, my muscles feel looser than they have in years''... he continues to tell all of the positive results his yoga classes are giving him, and his wife.


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  • I read in a running magazine similiar things. Yoga certainly helps keep you loose. I would totally start doing it if I were at all flexible

  • i can see why yoga would help a runner, it helps you relax and loosen muscles. i tried it one time and thought it was boring but i think its cause i didnt understand the full point of all the breathing.

  • That actually makes sense! Yoga loosens up your muscles and would help you with running! I'm thinking maybe i should start some yoga just to loosen up some muscles and relax a bit!

  • That is cool. Yoga actually sounds really fun. If it helps your muscles feel looser, maybe not only runners but other athletes should try it:)

  • welp!  looks like i need to find me a yoga class!! i eally wanna try this out!! sounds like fun! but it would also halp my track skills! hopefully!! thats truly an unique way of improving muscle skill and preventing injuries! WOW!!

  • See,  this is why more men should listen to woman. We are always right. Good thing he listened to her though, it helped loosen him up, relax him, so he can run his best and his hardest. Good for him! (:

  • There are a few yoga poses that I enjoy doing! It can definitely help you relax. Good thing that his husband was smart enough to listen to his wife ;)

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