
  • I don't fear friday the 13th. I think that it is all just a superstition and if you don't believe in it, you won't have bad luck.

  • I think Friday the 13th is just another day. People need to stop being so superstitious its just another day something bad can happen to anyone at anytime it has nothing to do with the day.

  • I do not think that this is a bad day. Personally nothing bad has happened to me on this day so i think that this is a day just like any other day. Maybe some people just have bad luck.

  • I don't think Friday the 13th is anything bad. It's a Friday, which are always nice, so I don't see a problem. I've never had anything really bad happen on Friday the 13th and I don't think anything will.

  • I don't think friday the 13th is a bad day. It's just like any other day.

  • I think that it is just what people have grew up around and think its so horrible but nothing ever really happens.

  • i dont think its a bad day.. anything could happen to you any day friday 13 is just another day

  • I was kinda worried something bad was going to happen, but haha it didn't. The day just kinda freaks me out but it's kind of just a joke.

  • Because of the movie Friday the 13th..I don't know people just me its a normal day

  • i dont think it is a bad day, people just tend to have a bad day and blame friday the 13th, ill admit i am also one of those people on occasion

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