
  • The culture that the United States exudes is the notion that "It's a free country, I can do what I want" which some people take to the extreme. The problem starts with a bully who thinks that he can do what he wants. Then the victim has enough of it and decides he wants to do whatever he wants to as well, namely, kill the bully(s) and anyone else they can before the cops come to stop the "freedom."

  • Probably because we have the most bullies and everyone in America is all about competition and if someone is better than you then teens will do anything to make sure that they aren't going to be the worst one and get picked on.

    If you don't have the money to dress nice, you will get picked on. If you are different than everyone else, you will get picked on. If you show that you are different than everyone else and that you don't want to be the same then you will get bullied and some kids can't handle it, you can only take so much until you snap and that is why we have so many school shootings.

  • that is crazy. i wish people would stop bullying because that is the main problem. i think just because someone goes thru a break up they think to cure there problem the beswt way is to shoot innocent kids

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