Who do you play for?

A baseball team in Towson University, located in Maryland, has put black tape over the Towson name on their jerseys. Why? Towson has announced that they will cut the baseball season next year and save about $800,000. The players say if" Towson doesnt support baseball, then we wont wear anything that says Towson" Rest of the story here.

So for you baseball players, if Harlan was to cut the baseball program, would you finish the season with Harlan on your jerseys or would you tape it up like the Towson players?

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  • Thats like saying Harlan should have hockey as a sport because we don't. There is no way all schools can afford a budged like that for buss rides, equipment, ect.

  • Good for the boys! I can understand this! If I loved baseball that much I would have probably done the same thing.

  • hmmm, thats a very tough descion. i would still want to represent the town i am from. but something or someone else can support the program as well. it doesnt totally have to be shut down. hmmm..

  • I don't think the taping over the name is really doing them any good. I mean, they should try something a little bit bigger than taping over a name. I love baseball and I'm sure the players are devastated so I think they should try a protesting or suggesting smaller cuts than the whole program to the administration.

  • I think that the university is dumb for announcing that they will be cutting the program before the last season even started. That would really motivate the players to do well and really support there college. NOT!! I would totally do the same thing that they did by covering up the university's name.

  • I would do it. If I was one of the people who went for Baseball, I would be so upset and go to the exstreme. No doubt. I think this is prolly crushing the migority of the players. There boycotting, just not in a way that anyone could get to hurt. I think it's not all that bad. I hope that they do find another school they would like to play for.

  • This is a little over board! I think they should be proud  there last season and finish proud! I guess everyone looks at it different though. I hope all these players keep playing though! 

  • I would still like to support my town. i wouldnt put tape over the town name. The town needed to save money so i hope the players can understand that. 800,000 dollars is a lot of money. I am proud harlan doensn't have to cut sports due to our great boosters.

  • They should be protesting and should be fighting for the baseball program.

  • If I was a baseball player I would probably do what they are doing.

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