A study has shown that white student athletes graduate from college 81% percent of the time.  Whereas black student athletes graduate from college only half of the time.  The separation has continued to grow.  I think this is pretty interesting.  What are your thoughts?


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  • thats weird. Why is that ?
  • you can still finish college if you leave early
  • it could be because most of the black star athletes are one and done in college for basketball
  • it could be because most of the black star athletes are one and done in college for basketball
  • seems unlikely but thats just me saying
  • thats kind of funny. not trying to be racist or anything. but it is really badd. They colored i think go to college to try and make it into a PRO sport.
  • thats surprising because the african-americans are usually better at sports. watching the basketball games recently really showed me how many more black players there are than white. you'd think if they made it to college they would actually finish it out.
  • I saw a thing about this on tv.. I think that the athletes need to get their priorities set straight..
    • I agree that athletes need to focus as much on academics as on sports. Athletes in college should be punished more if they don't do well in school.
  • I didnt ever think that there was that much of a difference.
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