Which is Healthier Fruits or Vegetables?

Which food is healthier, fruits or vegetables? If you think about it, fruits have a lot more sugar than vegetables. They contain important vitamins, such as vitamin C, they also contain folate, fiber, and potassium. Some benefits of eating fruits are that you get to enjoy all different kinds of flavors, colors, shapes, they help you keep up with good health, they are also a good source of minerals. The most common fruits that people eat are apples, bananas, oranges, mangoes, avocadoes, etc.. Fun fact strawberries, watermelons, and apples all help with glowing skin. Another fact is vegetables are usually the main course of the meal, and fruits are the dessert. 

Vegetables contain potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin A, and dietary fiber, they are a very important source of nutrients. Both fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes, can lower blood pressure, prevent certain types of cancer, and a lower risk of eye and digestive problems. Some of the most healthiest vegetables are broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, bell peppers, and beats. If the human body is lacking nutrients and vitamins, vegetables are the best way to recover them. Vegetables also help kids grow and it strengthens a childs immune system. 

Both fruits and vegetables are very good for you. Some negatives about eating fruit is if you eat too much of it, it could contribute to health problems such as weight gaining and diahhrea. Research recommends that females should eat 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit each day, and males should eat 2 to 2.5 cups of fruit each day until they are atleast 60, then the recommendation is 2 cups. The negatives about eating vegetables is that they can cause gas, bloating, digestive distress, and severe constipation. If you digest to much fiber, it could lead to nutrient deficiences. 

In my opinion, I think that vegetables are healthier than fruits, they may tastes worse then fruits but they contain more nutrition. Fruits have more sugar and it can cause you to gain weight. Also, if your body is lacking nutrients, vitamins, or minerals, vegetables are the perfect way to recover them. 


Which one do you like better fruits or vegetables?

Which one is more healthier?

What is your favorite fruit/vegetable?

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  • Good topic choice and goods summary Ava! Be sure to include your sources so we know this isn't just your opinion. You should also reply a bit more as well. One day late

  • I think that both fruits and vegetables should be in everyone's diets. I know that fruits have certian sugars in them that might not be healthy in excess, but everyone should eat them no matter what.

  • I love fruits way better than vegtables. They taste better, look better, and smell better. In everyway possible, they are on top. First off, they have more of a sweet taste to them. Is it just me or do every vegtable taste like dirt? Anyway, I think that vegtables are more heathy, which is why people don't like to eat them. My favorite fruit is probable the apple.

  • Personally, I like fruits more than vegetables just because they taste better. I think they are both healthy in their owen way, but I think vegetables are more beneficial for us. They are rich in some nutrients and vitamins. My favorite fruit is grapes and my favorite vegetable is probably broccolli.

  • I like fruits more than vegetables because they taste better and there is a more variety of fruits to choose from. I think that they are both equally healthy in their own ways since they have their own vitamins and nutrients that are just as important as the other. 

  • I think that they are equally healthy, I know if someone asked me fruits or veggies I'd pick fruits, they aslo both have their downsides. Out of the healthier one I'd pick fruits because they contain sugar which is very importiant for a heathy diet, just not added sugars.

  • I have a personal preference of fruits over vegetables because of how they taste. But I think that vegetables are healthier compared to fruits. Vegetables contain more nutrients and have more health benefits for you. My favorite vegetable is corn and my favorite fruit is strawberries. 

  • I would prefer fruit over vegetables (because they taste better) but in the long run I think vegtables are more healthy. Vegtables contain more nutrients which is why you find professional athltetes eating so many vegtetables.

  • I personally think both fruits and vegetables are healthy, but, as you said, I would probably say vegetables are healthier than fruits because they contain more nutrients. I do perfer  and like fruits over vegetables because I like more fruits than vegetables. 

  • I like both fruits and vegetables but if i had to choose between the two id probobly pick fruits because they taste sweeter. I do however think vegtables are better for you because they contain less sugar and carbs. My favorite fruits are pineapple, watermellom, and strawberries. 

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