Where'd Van Gogh Go??

This saturday a $56 million painting by Van Gogh was stolen from the Mahmoud Kalil Museum in Cairo.  Earlier that week the local paper had reported that the museum's security systems were down.  What makes this heist even more astounding is the fact that the painting, Poppy Flowers, is that the painting was stolen in broad day light!  Read the full story here.

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  • that's a lot of money! i wonder how that person managed to get away with that in day light...
  • I can see why they stole it. 56 million dollars is a lot of money in your pocket, but whats suspicious is why the security systems were down. hmmm.
  • wow! thats kinda werid. y would you post something like that in the paper. but how does a painting get to be worth 56 million dollars?
    • i know lets post that our security systems are down in the paper....come on use your head. Its 56 million because its a Van Gogh original so.....sort of one of a kind.
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