0 Whats your opinion? Posted by 3Dannielle on February 29, 2012 at 9:56am in Mr Bruns 360 Message Board What would make school dances more fun? leave your opinion! You need to be a member of History 360 to add comments! Join History 360 Email me when people reply – Follow
having more dances,,, and having some casual where it doesn't matter what you wear... if its appropriate.
I think they should have a band play or have a cool theme or games or something. School dances are fun for like an hour but after that they are really boring in my opinion.
i think they need to make it more funnier, have things going on or themes . like black light rave and just fun things like that
i dont have a say in this because i dont go to school dances =/ so i wouldnt know what would make it better
If we had a longer school dances and have more food to get to have it more fun.
I have never gone to a dance here at our school so i couldnt say.