Today in Psychology we discussed the reason behind having dislikes in food. It was said to all be in our heads or because of a bad situation associated with that food. Like say if I had a bowl of spaghetti and ended up getting sick that night, even if it had nothing to do with the spaghetti itself, I probably wouldn't eat spaghetti anymore.

I personally don't like onions for it's texture. Do you have any foods that you just can't stand because of texture, bad experiences, or just heard it's bad?

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  • I don't like pickles, peas, and this will probably make people think I'm weird but I don't like tacos... Or spagetti. I don't like tacos cause they never really tasted like anything to me. And spagetti, I just don't really know what I don't like about it but I don't like it. I like lasagna but not spagetti. Believe me, my mother doesn't know what to do with me. :)

  • I don't really like califlower. I'm not sure why exactly that I don't like it, I mean I don't remember having a bad experience and I don't think the texture is bad, I guess i just don't like the taste of it compared to other food. Other than califlower though i don't dislike that much other food. 

  • Personally, I don't care for Chinese food because I have a fear of trying new things and the taste isn't very good at all. People's opinion may differ on this situation but they eat some weird things over there!

  • Everytime I eat pudding I get sick so I refuseeeee to eat it anymore! 

  • I dont like brocilli i think because of the texture! Im not to picky with food besides some veggies.

  • probably asparagus i used to love it as a kid because i would go out and pick wild asparagus but i didnt have it for a long time and then i ate some not to long agpo and i did not like it i think it was the texture and taste

  • I am really picky about food I eat, but i hate tomatoes. Personally its the texture, taste, and pretty much everything else about them is what makes me hate them. Its weird though because i love ketchup.

  • I don't like skittles, except for the purple ones. They just taste bad to me. I know how you like skittles though Ashlee, haha

  • i agree with sid i hate chilli and onions becauase i hate they texture and the crunchyness of the onion. i would prefer to have all my food with no onions. i also dont like a lot of veggies, mostly cause of the smell

  • TUNA!!!!!!

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