What's Killing the Dolphins?

That's what scientists are asking themselves after finding 200 dead bottle nose dolphins. Most of the dolphins have washed up on the Jersey shore. Scientists have performed numerous tests and seem to come up with nothing. They are leaning towards a disease that's killing them but are still unsure. What do you think is killing these dolphins?

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  • I think it might me a parasite that they cant see. It could also be a disease.

  • Its obviously all the spray tanning toxins in Jersey. It has to be a disease or parasite if 200 of them died its most likely contagious to the others.

  • It could be anything they live in the ocean and a bunch waste goes into the ocean from almost everywhere. It also could be something they eat, other animals, or maybe a disease.

    • I think that's why the scientists studying this are having such a difficult time figuring it out, it really could be anything.

  • It could be a number of things... disease, pollution... I know of a similar event that occurred back in 1987 where more than 700 dolphins died from Morbillivirus. I read somewhere that Morbillivirus has been found in some of the dead dolphins so maybe that's the cause again this time around.

  • If it was disease that would be strange that it was only in that area and only effecting the dolphins. I think it could be something in the water but that would still be weird that only dolphins are being killed.

  • It could also be pollution, considering that NJ is a pretty polluted area. That's what I think happened, thanks to greedy companies sacrificing the environment just to make a little extra cash. I think that we should increase the amount of controls against pollution to prevent things like this.

  • That is really weird and kinda scary i mean thats a lot of dolphins and its sad how they are all dying like that. I wonder if its something in the water because all of the dolphins are dying in the same area but it could be something else we can never be sure. 

  • I think it could be anything. Maybe a disease, or other animals, or just something in the ocean, or maybe something that they eat. 

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