Antifa is a decentralized, leaderless movement composed of loose collections of groups, networks, and individuals. Antifa also uses persistent disinformation campaigns about Antifa distorting public perception of the movement. Antifa is thought to be a group that is made for fighting back against fascism Because there is no unifying body for Antifa, it is impossible to know how many adherents are currently active. Different localities have Antifa populations of different strengths, but Antifa members are also sometimes willing to travel hundreds of miles to oppose a white supremacist event.
Most people who show up to counter or oppose white supremacist public events are peaceful demonstrators, but when militant Antifa adherents show up, they can increase the chances that an event may turn violent. There have been instances where encounters between Antifa supporters and the far-right have turned violent. Of those counter-protesters who do engage in violence, not all of them support the Antifa movement. Likewise, not all Antifa supporters engage in violence. Those violent counter-protesters who are militant Antifa adherents believe in active, aggressive opposition to far right-wing movements.
Do you think Antifa is good or bad?
Do you think that Antifa is doing more harm than good?
Good topic choice Austin! I do think your summary could be a tad longer and with only a few comments be sure to comment to everyone.
Honestly, from the information you gave, it doesn't seem like Antifa is really that bad. Anyone can turn violent . I am just saying that just because a certain person or oganization shows up, it doesn't mean that all protests are violents, or will be violent, more over that they will start to ingage in the violence. I am sure that the other, far-right supporters turned violent too- and could have possibly started some of the events. The people were not forced into becoming violent, they had a choice to do that, and they decided to do that
I think over all, like most groups, anitfa isn't a violent organization but that people who are a supporter and are very violent give the whole group a bad wrap. I think antifa does more good than bad because they stand up against people who have bad ideas of how the world should be run.
I completely agree. The organization doesn't want to be violent but the people in the organization are very violent. Some actions they have done are considered terrorism but they cant point out who did it because of the amount of people there