According to Mr. Bruns, letting students sit where ever they want in the class room just freaks him out because it gets out of control. I personally think the opposite of Mr. Bruns's theory. I think that we are mature enough to sit where ever we want and if there are a few that can't then they can just sit in the corner or something. Opinions?

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  • I think this discussion has had enough replies. Well done!
  • I think that since we are all in the 10th grade that we are mature enough to sit where ever we want. All teachers think that we will get out of control but it matters who they are talking about cause some kids in high school are still immature.
  • I also sit by the same people, I would usually in Mr. Bruns class. I really don't mind sitting in an assigned spot in his room, it just makes it easier to take roll.
  • I sit by the same people as when I did when I sat where i want to in Brun's class, so i have no formal opinion against the topic.
  • Well theoretically saying, say my feet smell and we dont have a seating arrangment would you really want me to just walk up and sit by you?
    • No, I think I speak for everyone when I say that I most definately would not.
      • exactly doesnt sound so grand any more does it?
  • well, yeah when you can sit where ever you want, talking does get out of control because there are a lot of people in the school that could not be quiet to save their live during class. I don't have a prefrense because its rude to talk during class anyway.
  • I also believe that kids should be allowed to sit where ever they want because they should be old enough to handle themselves in the class room.
  • Ya I think so. Like if some people are talking to much just make sure they dont sit by eachother. I love being able to sit wherever I want.
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