yeah, i don't really like it. because all the teachers are trying to use like less paper and stuff so it just makes us students do more work by writing down everything on our own (:
it is kind of scary. it is kind of going over the top considering teachers have to type a code when they print so they can identify how much paper they are using. i'm not really a fan since we don't get practice maps in cwi.
lets get rid of art. its pointless and doesnt offer anything good to the school.
4 Zack Harris > 3JordanSDecember 14, 2009 at 10:20am
art is a way to express the imagination and its not worthless its great for kids who have nothing else in their lives. i say we keep it
Well now my studyhalls stink because my old studyhall teacher was fired and also in art poor Mr. Renkly has to buy supplies so we can't be wasteful and stuff like that.
i think its doing some good. the restrictions on copies may force some teachers to relinquesh their old ways and switch to cpus. plus, it will really help us students realize what we take for granted. yeah, people lost their jobs. that sucks. but,... what are you going to do.