What do we tell kids about Santa Clause?

 The story of Santa Claus goes all the way back to the third century during the time of St. Nicholas. For years the hot topic to so many has been arguing over whether it is good parenting to tell kids that Santa Clause squeezes down the chimmy bringing presents for the good little girls and boys.


 The downers say that you should never lie to your kids beacuse It ruins trustworthiness and your relationship with your child. Kids rely on us fully and need us to help make sense of the world. They state it is fine to talk about Santa only being a fantasy character seen in books, movies and toys. Many also believe it is better to be straightforward with Santa being fake then having to deal with children being sad later on. 


People on the “pro” side say kids stop believing so young anyways. What's having some fun and imagination in the early years going to hurt? Many state that in the first few years of childhood kids believe in many fantasy figures like superheroes, monsters, mermaids, and fairies so how is believing in jolly old St. Nic any different. Santa Clause has been a tradition going back generations after generations if believing didint harm them,  parents and grandparents people who believe ask why would it harm kids today? Not to mention Santa is everywhere during the holiday season and makes things so fun to many why would you want to take the opportunity of believing in something so fun and magical away from young kids. 


In my opinion I can see how many find it a trust issue to not be straightforward about Santa but, I think if kids are told the real truth when the age to understand I think bringing Santa into young kids fantasies is something that every kid should get the chance to enjoy during the holiday season. 



  1. Did you grow up believing in santa?
  2. How old were you when you relized santa isint real?
  3. Do you think parents should let their kids believe in santa?




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  • I was never told that Santa was real, and I don't know if I want to tell my kids that there is a Santa. The idea of lying to your kids that there's someone who gives you presents doesn't really make sense to me. I don't think that parents should tell their kids that Santa is real, but that might be because I never believed in Santa growing up.

    • I agree I definetly think what you will do in the future for your kids depnds a lot on how you grew up. If you grew up with a great experience of beleiving you will most likley do the same with your kids if you didint you most likley wont do the tradition to many.

  • I grew up with the belief that santa was real. I would go get my picture with him and tell him what I wanted. As I got older the concept of santa being fake was something normal for me to learn, I wasn't bummed about it because I still got presents during Christmas. I don't think that telling your child that santa is real is a problem, I think it allows kids to look forward to Christmas. 

    • I totally agree I think a belief of santa during the season of Christmas is something all kids should get the chance to experience at least while their young.

  • My parents always made an effort to make me believe that Santa was real. We always went and got out picture taken with him and set cookies and milk out for him on Christmas Eve. My parents never flat out told me that Santa wasn't real, it was just something that I figured out as I got older. I think that believing in Santa isn't any different in believing in the Easter Bunny, they are just simple symbols to represent the spirit of the season. 

    • My Parents did the same for me grwoing up and I really enjoyed it making the holidays something to look forward too. I also think believing in santa isint any diffrent from other fantasy characters. 

  • I believe Santa is necessarily the person that we believed he was. Santa is just what we say the giving and receiving around Christmas time. He may not be an old guy with a long white beard but he represents the joy around Christmas time.

    • I agree he is a true meaning of Christmas he represents so much joy and happiness during the season of Christmas to so many.

  • No, I never really believed in Santa because I have siblings that are a lot older than me so they ruined it for me. I don't remember ever believing in him so if I ever did I was probably really little and stopped believing in him when I was really little. Yes, I think parents should let their kids believe in Santa.

    • I agree I think many kids that gew up with older siblings their beleiving time was cut short and ruined because they either spoiled it for the young ones or parents gave up making it as special.

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