Whale Vomit Worth $50,000

A man in England was walking with his dog on a beach when they made a smelly find. The man picked up a seven pound stone like object that had quite a stench. Immediately he threw it back down. The object stayed on his mind when he went home so he decided to research it and found out it could be ambergris(whale vomit). He went back to the beach and retrieved the object and found out it really was ambergris and worth quite a bit of money. So who would buy whale vomit? The Perfume Industry! Read the article to find out more about it.

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  • I guess the people that said everything has a purpose wasn't kidding. I know that there are many things that you would never expect to be in a lot of things, and this is definitely one of them. I never would have guessed that whale vomit was in perfume.

  • That is very weird. I wonder who would think of whale vomit for something to be worth a lot. I also wonder how the vomit got up on the beach.. it would be quite the find.

  • Whale vomit worth 50,000?! that is a crazy amount of money just for something that is normally worthless for humans. I dont know why he would keep thinking about it ha

  • That is gross but it is worth the reward, wish I could find whale vomit and get money for it.

  • Whale vomit? uh, yuck..  I think I'm going to make sure my perfume doesn't have that cause that's disturbing.

  • Hmm thats pretty interesting! i need to walk on more beaches looking for smelly objects!

  • I cant beleive that it is worth that much! thats insane!

  • To think that whale vomit could be in our perfume. EWWW! and why whale vomit of all things they could put in perfume. I want to know what chemical or fragrance is in whale vomit that is it worth so much money.

  • Hahaha! That's beyond awesome. You would think that throw up would be slimy and watery...apparently the whale's like to throw up in style. That's amazingly crazy, but cool. I personally would not buy that, but umm that's great for the people who do....

  • Just the fact that whale vomit was worth that much is nasty but it makes me nervous that perfume industries are the investors. What in the world do they need to use that for? Perfume smells good why in the heck would you need to put vomit in that? Nasty.

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