Washington DC Car Chase

A woman with her 1 year old toddler sped to many places in Washington DC and lastly ramming her vehicle into the Capitol's gate. People reported a shooting at the Capitol when really the only shots that were fired came from the officers chasing the woman down because it was later found that the woman was not armed. The officers did kill the lady and had no reason to. They should have waited til they saw a weapon get trigger happy. What do you think of this situation? Do you think the officers should have fired and killed the woman? 

Here is the link to the article: http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/police-lock-down-capitol-after-shots-fired/2013/10/03/48459e0e-2c5a-11e3-8ade-a1f23cda135e_story.html

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  • Well done!!

  • I think that she was being dumb especially with her kid in the back, but the police officers weren't acting very smart either. The police shouldn't get punished but they need something because they thought they were defending their city.

  • This is awful the cops really should have seen a weapon before they really just shot this women. Especially with a baby in the back seat of the car. This was just not good work I guess you could say by these police men. However the women kind of brought it on herself for doing such an outrageous and stupid action, But I do not think that she should have been shot and killed.

  • There are now people wondering if they overreacted when they shot her. The police found meds at her house. Also, if the police knew their was a child in the ladies car they wouldn't have shot at her or led her on a chase and endanger the life of the child.

    • So I'm starting to think if the woman was on medications maybe that was the cause of speeding around and running into the Capitol. Were the meds prescribed and not taken I wonder, or were they being used as drugs? 

  • I think they wouldn't have killed her if they knew there was a baby in the back of the car with her. What they did was wrong because she didn't kill anybody so she didn't really deserve to be killed, they should have just put her in prison for awhile.

    • Jail would have defiantly been a better solution to this situation rather than shooting. 

  • I think that what they did was an act upon instinct.. I don't think they meant to kill her, they just wanted her to stop running from them.  I don't understand why she was speeding through down town Washington, or why she would hit the Capitol's gate.. But I also don't agree with them shooting her until they saw her weapon, just like you said.

  • This is terrible they should really have payed attention especially when it involves guns. She didn't even crash on purpose and they just started shooting her. It is sad for the child hopefully the family is getting money for this cause they seriously deserve it. 

    • I agree with you on the family getting money maybe for the child because now that they shot the mother the family has one less income to raise the child. 

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