A Washington father branded his children like cattle, two of his teenage sons were branded and his 18 year old daughter was branded.  The 18 year old daughter was old enough to give consent so the father only got 2ND Degree Assault Charges for branding his other two teenage children.  What would you do if you were put into a situation and your father was going to brand you? And do you think that thhe 2ND Degree Assault charges are enough for him or does he deserve more ?


Here is the Link: http://www.newsobserver.com/2010/05/13/481305/wash-dad-charged-with-branding.html


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  • i would never let my dad brand me and i dont think he would ever do that. that is so mean its like going back to slavery. if i were the judge i would put him in jail for a long tme.
  • Its like a tat and I agree with Fitz
  • Why would you brand someone? this guy should be in prision for awhile..
  • Why would you brand your children in the first place. If my dad tried to brand me i'd just run away because i know he can't catch me. He should have had more charges.
  • wow why would you do that to your kids i think he should have a harsher charge
  • that would b tight if it was a cool brand but it would still hurt
  • what made him decide to brand his kids
  • i think he should have gotten a worse charge
  • what made him decide to brand his kids
  • That is horrible!
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