A 9-year-old boy in Bremerton, Washington wrote a letter apologizing to a classmate who was seriously wounded after a gun discharged from his backpack, lodging a bullet in her spine.

I think that it's so sad that he had a gun and that he hurt her with it even if he didn't do it on purpose.  

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  • Why would a nine year old have a gun in his backpack?  First of all, I think that child needs to get some help.  Second of all, It's nice that he apologized but having a bullet lodged in your spine isn't something an apology can fix!

  • I think it's strange and not smart that the boy was carrying a gun around in his backpack, but at least he felt bad for his mistake and apologized.

  • i think that it is crazy that he had a gun in the first place.. what kind of kid has one at 9 years old. but i think it says a lot about his character to write an apology even though i dont know if i would forgive something like that very easily.

  • It is sad that the girl got hurt, but where were his parents? Why didn't they notice a gun missing from their home?

  • why would a 9 year old have a gun in his bag in the first place, but ya it was nice of him to apologize

  • I would like to know why the boy had a gun in the first place because I would think a 9 year old knows not to bring a gun to school of all places. At least the boy aplogized. although if I were the girl I would have a hard time accepting his apology.

  • How would a 9 year old get a gun in the first place? Also why would he be taking it to school that just stupid. Its good that he knows it was wrong and that the girl deserves an apology.

  • I'm glad that he wrote a letter apologiziging to her, but why would a 9 year old kid have a gun in his backpack? I am glad that he didn't do it on purpose knowing that makes it a little better.

  • Its to late he already killed her. Its nice to hear he apologized though.

  • yeah that is bad. i think it's bad in the first place that he had a gun but it'd even worse that it accidentially shot someone. it's nice of him though to write his apology to her

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