Warm Weather!

So these past fews day and the rest of the week is WARM WEATHER!!!

All week it has been in the 70s. and I'm loving it! and I hope we have more days like these! I just hope the weather doesnt take a turn for the worst and start snowing or something!


What do you guy think of the warm weather!?

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  • I love it! Wish it was like this all year long!

  • I am loving it, it is really nice being able to wear a t-shirt around outside now. Hopefully we don't have a dry year because right now it is pretty dry outside. We need it to rain so the crops will grow good. This weather has been really awesome because of how warm it has been.

  • I love the weather. I hope it stays like this and doesn't get cold again. 

  • i LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P

  • i love this weather, i want it to stay this way forever, to bad it wont

  • This has been amazing! I love this weather. I spend my time going on runs, laying out, playing soccer, and doing anything outside after school. I hope it doesn't get cold again!

  • I love this weather! I enjoy being able to practice tennis outside, and after practice i am able to walk around the park without freezing! The weather can stay like this

  • i really love this weather .. snow wasnt so bad for me but i like the hot weather .. i didnt know that maybe we have snow or something cold this month anymore

  • I'm loveing the warm weather. It helps the track runners sweat lots of more during the track season. I wish we can keep this weather more often.

  • I love warm weather. I dont mind rain as long as it doesnt freeze. And only one more month untill the races start!

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