Jay Laze a Virginia Beach Pizza shop owner is giving 15% off on pizza for anyone who brings a gun or concealed handgun permit. Last Friday when the discount began Jay said that he has had 80% of customers have brought guns into the pizza shop. He says that one of his customers brought an AK-47 into the pizza shop. Jay has always been a supporter in the right to carry fire arms, and believes that everyone should be able to have a gun.
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This would be scary. I believe that there should only be a certain amount of guns in this world owned by people. I think in a way that he shouldn't be able to do this.
i agree people should be able to have guns and stuff but this is kinda nuts, just a bit
Smart guy, it's perfectly legal, and I bet he gets more sales out of this. Bash him all you want, he's getting free publicity out of this. He should be happy.
This is a bad idea!! you never know when one will go off wheather it is an accident or on purpose it is still not safe.
That is kinda dumb. So if people bring guns to this pizza shop they get a discount. What if someone brought a gun and shot everyone up, then there would be a lot of lives lost, and he would get a lot of free pizza.
I think what he's doing is pretty cool! I say you should definitely have the right to carry a gun on you at any time. I mean, if you're crazy, and you're going to kill someone then no, probably not a good idea. But otherwise it's your right and you should be able to use it.
That's actually kind of funny! Good for him for standing by his beliefs. I bet it's a very well protected pizza shop.
I get that he's trying to prove a point, but prompting people to bring guns into a pizza shop is a little scary. I'm wondering if maybe this guy didn't think his idea through completely, considering the fact that somebody who thinks its a good idea to bring an AK-47 into a pizza shop might also think its a good idea to use that gun against the owner in a way... who knows... I wouldn't want to be responsible for a shop full of guns.
This clearly is unsafe. Giving a discount for a gun is mocking those who lost loved ones due to gun crime. This close to sandy hook. How insensitive. Rude. and untolerable.
Thats kind of unsafe. I think its a good way to prove a point but i hope no one shoots a gun in his shop.