Violence in Chicago.
In Chicago this weekend alone, there were thirty-two people shot and six of those people were killed. There were a total of five kids aged seventeen and under that were involved in the injuries/ deaths. Trump has talked about sending troops into cities like Chicago, Seattle, and Detroit. I personally think that it is a good idea to send troops into cities that have a lot of violence.Trump has already sent in hundreds of extra police officers to help stop the violence. Because it could keep a lot of people safer than what they are right now and Trump wants to get the violence down . The kids that survived were not cooperative with the police at all and most of them ran away from the hospital. There have been over 1000 more shootings then last year and I think that if there were military troops in the city trying to stop the violence that it would help the city. There have been a total of 605 people who have been killed in Chicago this year from violence .
- Why do you think that shootings are up 1000 more then in 2019.
I think it is because The black lives matter protest and people not agreeing with it and also because of the drug wars in Chicago.
2. do you think that Trump should send in military support to help stop the violence in these cities.
I think they should because it could save a lot of lifes and could possible stop a lot of other crimes .
Good job replying Brett. I do think your summary is brief and really should focus on the bigger issue-what are the issues in these cities that are leading to the violence and then focusing on your thoughts/opinions.
I think its because of all the crazy stuff thats happened this year. For instance the blm protests probably played a big hand in the majority of those 605 deaths. Because of all that drama people, gangs mostly, have really sprung into action given the lack of togetherness the country has been in as of late. I definitely think trump should send in military help because those big cities no doubt need the extra numbers.
I think that the reasion shootings might be high this year is because of the election and all the protest and riots that are going on. I am leaning more towards the rioters that are mad because they have been causing lots of violence. I think that sending troops would help the situation and it would scare the shooters causing them not to commit these crimes.
I agree i think the protesters have a big part in it all but I also think it is because of the gangs and just criminal in general. I also think that troops should be sent it because it could stop the shootings from happening but i also think it could make them rise.
I agree with you that it is because of the drug wars in Chicago and the black lives matter movement. I feel if the police try to do anything about it they would just get criticized for it. I think if things don't start slowing down Trump should send the military in to do something otherwise a lot more people are likely to get hurt.
I agree with you I think it is from both the BLM protest and drug wars in chicago. I also think if the police try to go into cities like these they will get criticized for it . Trump should send troops in if the number keeps rising because there is still a month left until the end of the year and it already has 1000 more shootings
I think that the black lives matter protest and covid 19 have caused a lot of stress and violence and overall confusion on both sides. Sending in troops could help but it could also lead to more violence because the black lives matter group is trying to lower police numbers so sending in troops would cause more voilence and shootings at cops and retaliation.
I agree with you about how blm protest and covid 19 have put a lot of stress on people causing them to be violent. I also think that the protesters not getting their way fast enough causing them to get mad and violent also causing the riots.
I think that the number of shooting are up because of the black lives matter protests. A lot of these protests have led to violence to law enforcement, looting, and destruction of business and private property. I do think that Trump should send in military support. If people are protesting about violence, they should not be the ones creating the violence. This violence would be calmed in part by military support.
I think the shootings are up higher because of all the raids going on. And can also because of all the gun violence and how people use guns wrongly and use them against people. Guns are tools not wepons that should be pointed at people.