They were rennovating the area or something like that and they found a mass grave.  Later testing showed that they were vikings that were captured and beheaded by sword in the dark ages.  I thought that this was a pretty cool story, but then again I'm odd like that.  If you want to read it here is the link.

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  • It's pretty cool but it makes you wonder why they were beheaded and why were they all together.
  • i think that is pretty interesting
  • gee. thanks for that ana. :)
  • Ha Shannon, you are odd but it's okay:) your still my friend. And that is cool.
  • thats pretty sweet
  • thats pretty cool
  • its pretty sweet
  • thats crazy
  • Nah not odd at all, this is really iteresting. makes me wish i lived in a time like that just to experience what they did. good topic :)
  • thats sweet.
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