Viking's Adrian Peterson's Son Dies

On Friday, a 2 year old boy was beaten and murdered. He was reported to be Adrian Peterson's son. Adrian confirmed that the boy was his, but they didn't live together. The details on their relationship and the boy's name are unknown. The most surprising part is that Adrian said not only that he will play on Saturday, but that he will be focused "on the W".

What are your thought on the topic? Do you think you could play two days after your son died?


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  • Great job on both posts!

  • Okay, this may be cruel. but don't you think its odd that he is playing, and not mourning the child's death?

    • That was my first thought too. But as I read about it, he only knew of him for a little while. He may have just not knew him well enough to be greifing

  • It is good that some pro athletes give a good example. I think AP normally sets a good example.

  • I dont think i would be able to play two days after that happened. If he didn't know his son well, i could see how this would be possible.

    • Apparently he knew him for less than six months, but I don't know if he saw him often or not.

  • I think it takes mental toughness to even say that to the press. I don't think that if my son was beaten to death I would be able to play in a game. He is a professional athlete so maybe it's easier for him to push things out of his mind and focus on what he needs to do for his team.

    • Professional athletes have a different mentality and work ethic typically, it might feel like the natural thing to do for AP.

  • I think he had a lot of courage to play right after his son died, people may look at it bad but he is part of the team too and he probably feels that he still has to play.

    • His job is his life. No matter how much this kid mattered to him, he cant just give up his life. He tries to get over this by doing what he loves.

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