Victims of Sandy get Looted

This Thanksgiving, many families are thankful for their lives and the possessions they have left after Hurricane Sandy tore through the East Coast. But this Thanksgiving got a little worse for some families after they discovered that their already damaged homes had been looted during the Thanksgiving holiday when they left to visit family. One couple lost a coin collection worth $25,000.

Personally I think this is a terrible thing to do.

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  • Greedy people this is just terrible that was a good example of a already bad situation get worse for the families houses that got looted.

  • This is horrible. It takes a certain kind of person to kick people when they're down. I hope they're able to track down that coin collection.

  • Well obviously it is not right to take what doesn't belong to you. I feel really bad for the victims in this situation, as if they didn't have enough to worry about.

  • How could people have no heart! I mean these people lost a lot of stuff and its so sad to see that people are looting off other people in such a tragedy like this. Get a job and pay for the things yourself. Its Pathetic!!

  • thats really sad to hear this, especially for what this family has already been through. But i heard about this after Katrina. I have even seen a TV show about how people go around after disasters just like this and still stuff out of the abandoned houses. 

  • That just makes me sick. people are just crazy. People who have just been hit by a big storm, lost a lot of things, important things come back to find their already damaged home broken into, and robbed.

  • I think people are horrible! How could you steal things from people when they have lost so much already! You have to be pretty messed up the head to do that. Why dont people work for there money and actually try to make a living rather than steal someone elses hard earned stuff!

  • This is how humans work though.. As far as I know humans are designed to do what needs to be done to ensure surviving later on in most cases and that is why they steal things

  • I fell bad for everyone that this happened to. No one should do that to someone else especially after their home was destroyed by a hurricane.

  • The same thing happened when Omaha and Council Bluffs got flooded. When there's a major disaster, they should send more cops to help protect people's stuff. Looting is really low, especially when it's just to earn an extra buck.

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