Veteran Shocked to Get Medal of Honor

      More than four decades after Melvin Morris of Cocoa, Florida had shown brave actions in the Vietnam war, being staff sergeant during combat operations. Morris had gone through heck and back trying to keep his troop alive and he also retrieved a map that included strategic information that could have been extremely dangerous if the enemy had confiscated it. Morris will be bestowed with the Medal of Honor from President Barack Obama on March 18, 2014 along with 23 of the other surviving members of his squadron including Santiago J. Erevia and Sgt. 1st Class Jose Rodela. On Sept. 17, 1969, they all had fought in South Vietnam and survived, now they are truly be respected as the great soldiers they were as they served our country. I think this story is a true marvel and really makes me understand all the horrifying measures they went through just to let us have our freedom and take that for granted.

       What do you think? Please share your stories about relatives that have fought to save our country in anyway or just tell how the soldiers fighting have changed you.

Click here to learn more about his amazing story!

Image: Melvin Morris

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  • Great story and summary though!

  • Be sure to comment more frequently!

  • I know I forget that people had to fight for my freedom and that many people have died protecting my freedom. We are all in debt to these amazing people who risk their lives for us. It's wonderful that he is being awarded now. It should have happened earlier, but now he is getting it along with his comrades. 

  • this is a very cool story

  • its good that he ogt saving our country

  • I think that it is very cool that they are recognizing him 40 years after his service. 

  • He deserves to be recognized for his help in keeping us free.

  • I wonder why it took our country so long to realize a true hero... Well at least they got what they deserved.

    • Exactly what I thought why it took them so long and they definitely deserved it since it was information crucial to our country and could have possibly caused more deaths if it had been taken by the enemy.

  • This is awesome! I am so thankful for what people do so that we stay safe in our country. It is great that he got a medal of honor. 

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