Navy veteran who claimed to be the sailor who was kissing a nurse in the famous Alfred Eisenstaedt photo taken in Times Square on V-J day has died. 

McDuffie's claim that he was the man in the iconic World War II picture was Backed up a police forensic person  who said she matched his facial structure.

"He ate it up!" said his daughter, Glenda McDuffie Bell. "He loved the attention."

I never heard of this guy before and he is weird 

what do you think of this?

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  • Good job but work on better questions.

  • RIP: Glenn McDuffie, World War II 'Kissing Sailor' dies aged 86

    • oh my god he is OLD

  • I wonder why he waited so long to reveal himself. Maybe he knew he was about to go and decided it was time but didn't want all the hype around him to get crazy.

    • i know right its being like 300 years or so like wow

  • it is always sad to hear someone has died especially a US Veteran and that is funny that a man became famous over such a odd thing

    • yes it is 

  • I think it is sad that this man has died. He is in one of the most iconic pictures of all time. 

    • if you say so i have never seen the picture or seen the guy before

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