The U.S. Military has carried out a carried out a missile strike in southern Somalia on Sunday. The target, a senior figure in the Al Shabaab terrorist group who had ties to Al Qaeda.
Last October, a U.S. military strike hit a vehicle carrying senior members of the group, killing its top explosives expert.
Kenya has faced multiple attacks by the militants, who want the country's military to leave Somalia. In September, the militants attacked Nairobi's upscale West-gate Mall with guns and grenades, killing at least 67 people.
I think that this was the right thing to do, instead of sending troops into a highly dangerous country. What do you guys think?
Story Here.
Good job but try coming up with a better question next time.
I feel like the US is poking the opossum to see if it's dead or not and then boom it blows up. But national security is at the top of our list now
I agree with the strike. Doing it this way potentially saved the lives of ground troops, and, in turn, helped protect our freedom.
Highly dangerous? Compared to america's army? Pleaseeee... As America we do ever so love to drop bombs on country's less fortunate then us don't we? How bout we just let them work it out instead of functioning as a intercontinental red white and blue referee?
I think it was the right thing to do as well because otherwise if we did send troops then it could have been bad because it's dangerous like you said.
Somalia is a super dangerous country I think they should be bombed beyond repair they are have nothing to offer but crime
I think that it was a good idea to send missiles rather than troops. No one in the U.S. wants to be involved in a war right now.
that is a good point, It wouldn't be very good if we got into a war with them
That is still part of a war.
Yeah I do think this is a good idea. we are getting the job one without having to send troops away from their families. I just hope that innocent people aren't harmed during this process.