Read this article and then let me know your opinion on unmanned drones, which are basically small airplanes that have no people on it.
Flight of unmanned drones is either controlled by computers in the vehicle or under the remote control by a pilot on the ground or in another vehicle.
Please share your thoughts on whether unmanned drones are a good idea or sets a dangerous precedent for other countries. Explain your answer!
I think this could be a really good idea and it would be a lot safer, if they would be shot down we wouldn't loose human life. But then there is always the wild crazy ideas of the drones going rouge or malfunctioning and attacking someone we didnt want it to.
After i read this article I am on the fence about how I feel about the use of unmanned drones. I do think that they are an amazing invention and they might help so that we don't have to put men in danger for dangerous missions. But on the other hand what happens if something really goes wrong and the drones go out of control and kill lots of innocent people?
I think after reading this that there is alot to consider. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a great idea. There could be alot of problems though. Alot to take into consideration.
I think that the drones are a very good idea simply because it takes the dangers away from the humans because they are not present in the danger zones. Plus it still gives them a job by controlling the drones.
As technology gets better weapons are going to get better and while I'm for the idea of less people on the battlefield, unmanned drones could be used for assassinations a lot easier. I thnk as long as we use them for the right reasons they're a good idea
I cant make up my mind whether this is a good idea or bad because it could help us monitor threats but if there is a glitch it could kill hundreds of people. It should just be tested for very long time to refine it so that would never happen.
These planes definatley could save us some major money and could get us some awesome information. However if the wrong person got a hold of one or terrorist has it they could no doubt use it against us. If it ever did crash or something accidental happened like that it could kill many people.
There are good and bad things in this. I think it would be fair if they used it for only good things, but drones are usually used to spy. Which could cause tension between countries and might have a bad end result.
I think it's a good idea, but America has to be careful about beong hypocritical. If we are going to have these drones and use them, than we can't try to ban them in other countries. It's kind of scary though to think of something as unreliable as a computer or remote being in control of something that could kill thousands of people. I think we need to have a lot more research and development on the technology before putting them into practice.
The drones have their advantages and their disadvantages. I personally think they are great, but with other countries using and developing them, it could end very badly. There really is no good answer to this. All in all, I think that these drones are for the best.