Police were doing an inspection for stolen copper wire around a homeless camp and found something that surprised them. It was like nothing they'd ever seen before; a series of tunnels about 4 ft below the ground and stretching up to 25 ft long! They were concerned when they found a pile of dirty diapers near a tunnel, they are not a safe place for small children, especially. After using a police robot to make sure nobody was inside the tunnels, they used a tractor to fill them.

This is so crazy, but actually kind of smart! I mean they have a "roof" over their head. The hobos worked to build their "houses" too. They must have felt pretty proud of that. I hope they find the small child and give it better living conditions.

Read the full story here.

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  • I feel like that is kinda sad because the homeless people built those tunnels and who knows how long it took them. That was their home and the police kinda just took it from them.

  • It's cool what people will do for one another. Safety should have been thought of in making this.

  • I was talking about this at work the other day. i think that these people are pretty innovative and it doesn't seem quite right to fill in the tunnels that probably took them forever to build.

  • Those tunnels are well built. I bet it took quite a while to make them. I wonder how the came up with that idea.

  • Those were some pretty smart hobos. I hope they were structurally safe.

  • at least they were smart. the only thing is it must get pretty cold down there.

  • The police filled it in? They filled in a homeless person's only shelter. That's pretty ridiculous and doesn't seem very ethical.

  • thats crazy that people lived down there that wouldnt be comfortable tho!

  • This is crazy! I cant believe people lived there! I think it would be cool to stay there like one night, but i would not want to live there my whole life.

  • This is crazy! That homeless people built this.. Thats sad that the police are tearing it down though... They did all that work for nothing! It probably wasnt that safe of place though.

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