Under arrest...for hugs??

A woman in Newport was arrested a few days ago when she hugged her daughter.  Now I have issues with hugs as well as other people I know (Drea :) but I don't think getting them arrested would work.  As weird as this sounds the mother actually deserved to be arrested.  Apparently she was jailed because a few years ago after she smothered her mother to death with a pillow.  On top of her sentencing she was ordered to stay away and avoid contact with her daughter and husband.  Well they must have visited her because she has been charged with domestic assault when she gave her daughter a hug against her wishes.  Link.

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  • wow just 4 a hugged thats so funny lol
  • awww! poor women. but i guess she kinda deserved it, if she was suposed to stay away from her daughter..and she killed her mom!? how rude!
  • the title doesnt really fit it seemed as though she was a arested merely for hugging but really because she wasnt allowed near her kids after commiting murder
  • thats sad :( i bet she feels awful. she just misses her daughter
  • well. i really really like hugs. actually no. i LOVE hugs. so maybe this lady loved hugs and just wanted give her daughter a hug and her daughter didn't want to get embarrased. but you never know.
  • oh wow that is stupid but why did she hug her if she was to avoid contact with them
  • The daughter hesitated this hug too much! She must have thought that this hug was going to turn into something more. Cops are becoming crazy these days.
  • thats weird and shouldnt of visited but hug as violence not cool
  • oh wow. You arrest her for giving a hug to her daughter! They're family! She should be arrested for what she did to her mother but thats just messed up.
  • It's sickening when people show their affections and feel feelings
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