Last August Venus Williams was diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome. Sjogren's Syndrome is a disease that attacks the bodies moisture producing glands leading to dryness on the body due to lack of secretion. The illness most commonly affects the eyes, mouth, salivary glands, lungs, kidneys, skin and nervous system but all organs of the body can be affected. Venus has started a vegan diet as well as her sister to support her. Venus feels that is will ruin her career. She has decided to take a break from her tennis career.
I feel very sorry for Venus that she has to stop doing what she loves to save her life.
What do you think about this disease? Do you think a cure should be found to help people?
Again, be sure to include the link in the original summary. Also, work on better questions. Good job replying!
This disease sounds terrible, but if its a very rare disease it shouldn't get more attention because a athlete.
I think this is very bad for her. Hopefully she can get some form of treatment so she can go back to playing tennis. I hope that one day all cancers and diseases have cures.
I agree that's a good place to start to improve our country.
You would think that with all of our new technology, we would be prepared for any situation arose. I'm sure that treatments will be found and it will be diagnosed in time, but it until then I guess Venus is just out of luck for a while.
Yeah it kind of makes you think why they have improved things we can live without instead of things we need to survive.
this disease is one that affects something small but very important to humans in order to survive. I hope that she through this or at least get it under control so that way she could go back to what she loves to play and that is tennis
I agree also I think the vegan diet might help.
I've never heard of this disease. That's so sad that she had to stop playing tennis, especially because she's so talented. I think that they should definitely research more about this disease so that they can find a cure in the future.
I agree and it makes it worse that she loves playing tennis and she has to stop doing what she loves.