
  • they probably should have been more discreet and cautious going into a country as unstable as Libya

  • That's crazy on of all days it happens on 9/11. I think that on that day should be a day for mourning&praying&remebering loved ones.

  • Seem like there are always killings happening in this world.! This is weird that it happened on 9/11..

  • It's so sad that so much violence could come from something as silly as a video. It's hard to think that the video was the cause of it though. It seems like the attacks were pre-planned and they're just using the video as an excuse.

  • i did hear about this! i did hear that it was probably something to do with that video but it also happened on 9/11. It might have had nothing to do with either one but either way they need to stop and something has to be done about them.

  • This is sad that some people killed them possibly just because of some dumb video, I feel sorry for Christopher Steven's family. Hopefully this mess in Libya will end shortly.

  • I think they should have more protection for more "important" people.  If they had the right security and guards, this may have not happened this way.

  • It happened on 9/11 and i think that these attacks on that day need to stop.

  • Whoops! new link here

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