Tyler Perry!

How many of you have ever seen a tyler family production? He has many good movies which include a character he plays as Madea. I personaly love these movies... and his plays he did before he was this big. Whats your favorite movie by him?

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  • I like the show house of payne by him! I think iv only seen one movie of his but he is a great actor!!

  • I love when he plays the role of Madea! She is so funny! My favorite movies by him though are "I can do bad all by myself," and "Why did I get married?" ALL so funny, but they always have good meanings at the end.

  • Diary of a mad black woman is my favorite!!!!! :)

    • thats one of my favorites as well!

  • Ive never seen one of his movies

    • Well you should. There good movies. My favorite is I can do bad all by myself. Other good ones are diary of a mad black woman, Madeas big family reunion with Bow wow. There all good!

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