Jennifer Vasilakos was confident, with enough hard work, she could raise  the money needed to treat her life-threatening kidney disorder.  In her  wildest dreams, however, she never thought she’d wind up receiving it  all in one check.  That’s the incredible position she’s in now, though,  thanks to the generosity of one Beanie Baby billionaire. She was then giving the money of $20000.

What would you do with this money, if it was given to you??

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  • I would give what i needed to Chariteys. It's a process, a cycle more or less. You do something nice for people. The people will do something nice for another person. It's how it works. Not to mention Karma. ;)

  • I would thank him and politely walk away. I could buy 6666 cups of coffee. Or I could buy a pumpkin to karate chop it. Why do I care? I got money!

  • Just to let you know, someone already posted this article, might need to watch that.
    I don't know what I would do with the money. I know for sure that I would save it for college courses and a car. It's a good thing that she was able to give directions, and it was especially nice of Ty to give her so much money, just for directions. I also heard that she got $50 and later he sent a check.

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