A tragic accident occured early Tuesday morning. Rose Myar and Elizabeth Rass were killed by a derailed train. These two girls were sitting on the ledge of a bridge by the tracks, as the train instantaneously was derailed the coal it was carrying spilt out and burried the girls.
I tried to get the video but it wouldn't upload!
That is really sad. I feel bad for their families, losing them so young. I think that it wasn't a good idea to be sitting on the bridge by the tracks, at that time of night.
Thats so sad and scary at the same time. Because you never know what could happen I guess. I am sure they had no idea that this would happen. It scary for me to think about cause there are some train tracks by panama and we hang out around there alot. Thinking this would happen is sad.
Aww that is sad! I bet their families and friends were devastated. Anything can happen, live your life to the fullest!.
That's a very sad story I kind of got teary eyed, that sounds like a bad way to die.
I cant believe something like this would happen. Its very sad and I bet their families are devastated. It is simply those girls, Rose Myar and Elizabeth Rass were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
Wow thats really sad! it is not a very smart idea to be by train tracks, ever, cause you just never know for sure what could happen.
My heart goes out to the girls and to their families, its such a tragic loss and a sad reminder that anything can happen. But it also makes me wonder what the girls were even doing near train tracks so late at night! Reguardless of their motive, the girls made one bad decision that ended their lives. One thing we should all take away from this is that all actions have consequences, and to be careful of the decisions we make.
Thats very surprising that that could happen I wander what they were doing sitting by the train tracks at that late at night because of all of the things that can end up happening.
Well if you would have clicked on the link you would have seen that they were drinking
It's very sad that that happened to them. They really shouldn't have been sitting right next to a railroad though, you never know what could happen. Train are really dangerous; one little thing sitting on the track can derail the whole train.