Two Young Boys Save the Day!

Two boys, ages 9 and 10, showed a mother how to give her baby CPR. The mother noticed her baby was not breathing, dropped and broke her phone in panic, and could not call for help. She then ran out into the street screaming for help with the pale, limp baby in her arms. She spotted two young boys and told them to go have their parents call 911. They did more than that. They showed the woman how to preform CPR on her baby. He shortly after starting crying and was alright. The doctor said he has sleep apnea.

These little boys really are heroes! More people really should know how to preform CPR.

Read the full story here.

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  • This story is so amazing. I dont think that most 9 or 10 year olds in our school would even remember CPR if they learned it at all. I think that instead of making the class a requirement Senior year, the school should encourage kids to take a class in middle school and between sophomore and junior year. I am glad the baby survived.

  • Cool story. Sure was lucky those kids were around. I wonder were they learned to do that.

  • That is why everyone should be CPR certified that is good that the baby is ok

  • I think it is great how younger generations are being taught CPR and other life-saving courses. It really makes a difference in the long run

  • man those boys are heros! i hope the baby doesnt have anymore problems! good story!

  • This is absolutely amazing. I am in awe, more people need to know how to perform CPR and be CPR certified. I honestly think that expecting mothers need to know how to perform CPR on their babies and also on other grown people. I am so proud of these two little boys.

  • Its a good thing that those kids were outside playing when they were. Maybe I should have taken that CPR course when I had the chance, never know when I'm going to need it.

  • I think it's important to know CPR if you have kids, because you never know what could happen. That lady was so lucky those boys were there! They are real heroes!

  • This is a really good story that shows just how important it is to know CPR. More and more people should be certified so they're able to help in situations like these.

  • This shows what a vital thing it is that people are taught CPR it is a skill needed to be known. I think that all schools should teach this.

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