Two shot with one bullet

On may 13th (last Sunday) two people were shot in West Haven, Connecticut. First a man was shot in the stomach but the bullet went through him and hit the woman behind him in the stomach also. The man is listed in critical condition. The women was released the same day, she is fine.I think that this is crazy, that would have horrible if they both died!What do you think?

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  • I'm not surprised that that happened. If the gun is powerful enough it probably would be easy for it to go through two people.

  • That is scary. It suprises me though that the bullet made it through the guys stomach and made it to the women.

  • im suprised the second lady was released the same day. Must have been a lucky shot to hit both of them.

  • holy crap. thats pretty cool but also bad for the man being in critical condition.. my thoughts go out to his family but that is crazy.

  • thats crazy how that happened its a magic bullet


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