Two Confirmed Deaths in Iowa from the Flu

          Last Friday, it was confirmed by the Iowa Department of Public Health that there has been two confirmed deaths resulting from the flu. One being in Northwest Iowa from a elderly woman. The other was a middle aged woman in central Iowa. These two deaths are the first ones of the 2019-2020 flu season. It has also been said that there has been an increase this year and that the flu is in just about every Iowa community. The people working behind these cases want to remind everyone that the flu is more than a tough cold, it can be a serious and fatal illness. It is strongly reccomended that everyone gets their flu shots soon. If you want to read more, click Here.

1. How efficient do you think the flu shot is?

I think it depends on the persons immune system. I think that the flu shot can totally backfire on the person, espescialy in young children. 

2. Do you think that the flu targets certain ages of people? 

I think it is easier for a young child or an old man to get the flu than a middle aged man or woman. 

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    • It is better to be safe than sorry, I reccomend you get a flu shot. I also agree that it depends on the person, it's all about a persons environment and immune system without the flu shot. 

  • I don't think the flu shot works as good or accurate as they say it does. Obviously if people are dying from the flu and they have had their flu shots then, therefore, flu shots aren't as accurate or good as they seem to be. I just don't think they work as well like they say to be.

    • Even though it's a controversial shot, I think it doesn't hurt to get the shot anyways. Better be safe than sorry, no one can deny that people who don't get flu shots are more likely to get the flu than people that already have the flu shots. I've never had the flu and I've gotten flu shots every year. 

      • It is a good shot to get, I think its the least painful shot I have got. I do know that some sport coaches like it if you have gotten the shot to stay healthy, so that would be another good reason to get the shot. I have also gotten the flu shot every year and I do feel like it keeps me healthier.

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