
  • The only thing I'm addicted to is the Mr. Bruns 360 Ning page!!
  • twitter is overrated
    • u sound like a walking add
  • I think its overrated
  • im always on facebook but i can live without it the only reason i keep it is cause i have family that i cant talk to unless i have all these things
  • im always on facebook but i can live without it the only reason i keep it is cause i have family that i cant talk to unless i have all these things
  • i dont like twitter
  • sounds like a real problem...... i dont have twitter,so therefore i am not addicted..
  • I have a twitter, but I hardly ever use it. I dont go on it very often. I'm not really addicted to any website, well there is a photosharing website called Flickr, which is sponsored by Yahoo. I talk to alot of people on there and look at pics they have taken or made. But Im not addicted to Facebook or Twitter or MySpace or anything...
  • Yes Bre That is a great point you stated.. Nobody really cares about your life. Who wants to know what your doing every hour of the day?
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