Twelve Year Old Takes a Joy Ride?

A boy from Damascus Oregon was asked by his mother to drive the trash to the end of the driveway to unload the trash. Instead he takes the truck on a little joy ride all the way to Lewis County, Washington, nearly 100 miles away. The case iswill be refered to juvenile authorities for possible prosecution of driving without a license.


I presonally think that the mother of this boy should have watched him while he took the trash down the driveway, but what do you think?

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  • i think its dumb i mean how can you get a hundred miles from home and not relize you have left the town where you live. let alone the state. they post signs you know. and how much garbage do you have if you need to drive it to the end of ur drive way??
  • You would think that if your child was gone for a good hour or two just taking out the trash something would be up. Why would she not have figured it out before he got so far?
  • I must say, i agree with you Alexx. Why would the mother of the boy not watch him drive the car down the driveway? Also i find myself asking...why couldnt the boy just carry the trash to the end of the driveway? Thats what MY parents would make me do.
  • Why would you need a to drive a car down your driveway just to take out the trash? It must be pretty long or something.
  • well would they of put out like a plate number so thje police would stopedd him sooner or something like that and thats just lazyness to not take the trash out by walking
  • This is very interesting! I also think she should've watched her son. Do you know how fast he was going on this ride?
  • Well the mom probably shouldnt have been letting him drive at all. And when he didnt come back in two minutes she shouldve looked for him right away. duh.
  • Just buy him an XBox already!
  • he must've been an alright driver if he made 100 miles without crashing. keep it up, stud
  • I know what it's like to do that. I started to drive when I was 8 or 9. You get behind the wheel and you just want to drive.What I don't get why the little boy just didn't walk down to take out the trash.
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