My favorite tv show would probably have to be either Family Guy, SportsCenter, or SportsNation. If I could only choose one though it would have to be Family Guy. I like these shows because Family Guy is really funny and well SportsCenter and SportsNation talk about sports and I love sports.
Tosh.0 is one of the best comedies shows I have ever saw! I also enjoy gabriel iglesias they both do two completely different types of comedy but I think there funny in there own type of way.
My favorite TV shows are oldies. I love watching re-runs of "Friends" and "Full House." I enjoy a lot of new shows though like "Ridiculousness" or "Criminal Minds." I take that back, I LOVE CRIMINAL MINDS!
My favorite tv show would probably have to be either Family Guy, SportsCenter, or SportsNation. If I could only choose one though it would have to be Family Guy. I like these shows because Family Guy is really funny and well SportsCenter and SportsNation talk about sports and I love sports.
My favorite shows are Criminal Minds, The Voice, and Celebrity Apprentice
i like Make It or Break It. i used to like Secret Life too but i don' t like it as much anymore. ifeel like nothing ever happens in it.
Tosh.0 is one of the best comedies shows I have ever saw! I also enjoy gabriel iglesias they both do two completely different types of comedy but I think there funny in there own type of way.
i like watching tosh.o, rob dyrdek's fantasy factory, and sportscenter
Mine is a lot of the shows on discovery, History, TLC, or MTV. i have no favorite one but of all of them ridiculousness really gets me laughing
I watch basically anything that comes on ComedyCentral including Tosh.0, South Park, Workaholics and Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
My favorite TV shows are oldies. I love watching re-runs of "Friends" and "Full House." I enjoy a lot of new shows though like "Ridiculousness" or "Criminal Minds." I take that back, I LOVE CRIMINAL MINDS!
Modern Family for sure. It's so funny! Almost every epsiode I'm faceplanted into the arm of the couch im laughing so hard. I really enjoy it.
my favorite show is House.. its really funny and there have many interesting diseases.. and other one is two and a half men.. its the best comedy