
  • I wish there was a link to see it, but I think that would be funny to have the turtle roll down a hill. (:
  • That would be pretty cool and fun! I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE WHEELS ON MY LEGS. i would like to be be ha
  • haha I would love to see that turtle try and swim. That would be awesome
  • It seems like he would kind of be lop-sided... they should just get rid of the fourth leg too technically, just to even it all out.
  • Awwe I wanna see a picture of it.
  • that is awesome that he gets to roll around. Instead of walking slow.
  • I don't see how that is possible. I don't think the turtle would ever get adapted from walking to rolling.
  • That is one cool turtle, but I wish you had a link to the article
  • Oh my goodness i fell bad for the fellow. Well its good that they found a way for him to get around. I wonder if they had to take of the one leg or what. i wonder how he is today
  • aww poor turtle. wheels wouldnt of been my first thought to put there instead of his legs.
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