Try to Beat This World Record

Try texting this sentence in less than 25.94 seconds.

"The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality they seldom attack a human."

If you can do it, you'll make the Guiness Book!

Good luck!

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  • Okay, I'm the worlds slowest texter besides my mom. I use the abc (or whatever?) because i don't get the other, and i spell all my words right, ususally, because i hate putting random letters or numbers. So I'd be lucky if I could do that in 25.94 DAYS ;)
  • I couldn't even do that if I tried.I just started texting in August. Also I don't want to text all the time either.
  • I did it in 15.41
  • i highly doubt i can do this lol
  • Hahaha try doing that with one of those "brick" cell phones from the 80's.

  • You would have to practice that over and over! I'm pretty sure it's impossible for everyone except the insane person who holds the record. I also think it would matter what kind of phone you have since some are easier and faster to text on than others.
  • i wonder how they decided what the sentence would be. hmm
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