trump VS kamala 2024

The 2024 election between Donald J Trump and Kamala Harris is a high-stakes contest, going over political divisions in the United States. Trump the Republican nominee, is seeking to return to the white house after his defeat in 2020. Trump has been getting lots of support due to his assassination attempt on July 13th, 2024. Kamala Harris the democratic nominee is now running instead of Joe Biden since he decided to drop out of the race in July. The election is expected to be highly polarized and very close. In November the votes will be finalized and we will have our new president of 2024.


Trump as most of us know is already a former president. Which can help his case quite a bit. And since he is also male there is a greater chance of people wanting him. Trump mainly focuses' on prioritizing Americas interests by advocating for policies under the banner of " America First ". He aims to strengthen the economy by tax cuts, deregulation, and renegotiating trade deals. He also wants immigration to be more strict on who comes in and from where. He also wants to bolster the military, increase defense spending, and adopt a more assertive foreign policy.


Kamala Harris is the second women to be in the final election. She wants to normalize social equity, economic opportunity, and justice reform. She also wants to normalize affordable care. Focusing on ending mass incarceration and ensuring equal justice in law. She also is deep in women's rights including reproductive rights' personally Would like a women as president. Especially the part about affordable care, it should not cost money to get a check up.

Who do you want as president ?

How would you feel about a women as president ?

Why do you feel this way?

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  • I would want Donald Trump as the president of the United States because of what he wants for this country. He wants to better the economy with tax cuts which means giving taxpayers more diposibale income rather then the Government. Renegotiating trade deals which could better the consumer and the businesses.  He has experience and improves America as an ecomomy. I would like to see a female president in the future but as if right now in this election Trump would be the best candidate.

  • In the debate, I would side with Donald Trump because of past experiences, he has helped our country rather then hurt it. As you might have noticed, the past four years the economy has been at the worst it has ever been. Housing and grocreries are super expensive. I am a big biblical person so a lot of what Biden and Harris says, I don't find true because they are going aganst what it says in the bible. Trump said a quote when he was in office which I find very true. The quote is "In America we do no worship government, we worship God." That is why, if I was able to vote, I would chose Trump.

  • I would vote for Trump as he is better with the economy which has been a huge problem for the country the last couple of years and is more experianced as a presidential candidate. I wouldn't feel any different with a woman president as long as they are a good leader for the country and do the job well. I feel Trump is better because he knows how to run the country and is good with a lot of the issuses in our country right now as well as being able to grow our country in the future.

  • I would vote for Trump, because he has been our president already and has had more experiences the Kamala.  He has helped our country more then Kamala has, but he has had more experience which is what our country needs. I feel like trump is the best fit for our presidency because he has helped everyone is a good positive, finacial way. He is working to protect our country much more progress then we have seen in Kamala.

  • Donald Trump should be the next president. He has already had one term in office and many believe he was the best president of all time. I do not feel good about a girl being president because we have never had one in office and I don't know how it would go. There is a reason there has not been a women in office and that there will not be.

  • Who do you want as preident? I If I could vote I would vote for Donald Trump. I believe he will fix America and restore our relationship with other countries. While he was serving his first term he would go on to do great things like made 7million new job opertunities, raised middle class families income over $6,000, rasied the stock market highest than its ever been, and lowerd the poverty rate in the U.S. I just feel he would be a much better fot for America that Kamala.

  • I believe Trump is a better option for president because we have already had him as a president before and we know that he is trustworthy over our country. He also wants to benefit our country and make it easier for us to live our daily lives. 

    • i agree that it would be a smarter decison to pick Trump since we already know how he is. But irt would be pretty nice to have a women be preident for once! It would make history and i feel would incourge a lot of women.

  • I would vote for Trump if I could since he has more experience of being president since he has done it once. He has also said he would do a lot of different things to help our country out that he did the last time. I don't think we should have a women as president since we only had guy presidents. I personally think that it could be a disaster if we have a girl president and there might be a lot of changes.

  • Personally I would want Trump as president because we need to lower the tax on useful items. I believe we also need to stop letting immigrants into our country because we don't know what they could be bringing with them, guns, drugs, etc. If we had a woman as a president I wouldn't feel as safe letting them choose how to run our country and what we do, I just don't believe in women running the country. I feel this way because men are usually smarter than women when it comes to things like running the country.

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