Hillary Clinton's medical issues have raised a lot of questions, yet Trump never used that against her. Well, not until now. On Saturday evening, Trump decided to start up his attacks against Clinton's campaign once again. The Republican nominee decided to stop reading off the prompter and instead to speak freely. His immediate topic was Hillary's health. He claims that she could be "crazy" and isn't fit to being president. Trump also imitated Clinton stumbling to her car last month after a 9/11 memorial ceremony to which her doctor later released that she had pneumonia and was overheated. Not only did he talk about her medical issues, but also accused her of cheating on her husband, Bill. Trump started the argument after The New York Times began asking questions about his taxes and business success. With no evidence to back up his accusation, his argument went back to her health issues. 

Read the full story here

- Do you think Trump is wrong for attacking Hillary over her health? 

- Why do you think Trump randomly accused Clinton of not being loyal?



I think that questioning her ability to be president over her recent medical issues is okay, but imitating her and claiming that she's crazy is a little too far. Her health could definitely affect her role as president, but you can't make any full conclusions of her health until she or her doctor releases them. Also, I think he used that accusation against Clinton to draw attention from the questions that he was being asked. 

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  • Good story and well done!

  • I think that he is trying to gain popularity and votes by putting her down. Her health is her business, and if she felt that she was unfit due to health issues she wouldn't have ran. I think its for the publicity for more votes .

  • I think that him attacking her health was a way to get more votes for him and make him seem better health wise than her. I think he accused her of being loyal just another way to sway the people and make her look bad again.

  • I think attacking someone's health is kind of personal and unnecessary, but all is fair in politics I guess. Trump has said lots of random things and has stated his opinions more during this election than anyone else in the world through 5 years, basically what I am trying to say is Trump is going to keep medias eyes on him and by making accusations the media stays on him. 

  • I think that Trump has a right to be concerned about Hillary's health, as she may be the next president of the United States and she needs to be able to serve that position. I think that Hillary has attacked Trump on several issues so it's only fair for Trump to be able to retaliate. Clinton can't be trusted due to several things, including her emails, so questioning her loyalty was within reason.

    • You have a valid point, but I personally don't believe questioning her about her loyalty was right. He had no proof of whether or not she was loyal. But yes, she can't be trusted due to other things such as her emails. 

  • I think that he is in the wrong by saying that because her health is her business.

    Probably because he thought that if he said that people would believe it and no one wants to have a president who can't even be loyal to her own husband

    • I agree with what you're saying. It would be bad to have a president who was not loyal /untrustworthy 

  • I think he is wrong for attacking someones health because being completely healthy inst easy and I would assume trump inst either. I Also think attacking peoples health is a low blow because its easy for people to attack someone based on how they look or health issues. I think he needed on last thing to throw at her and I assume people would take that seriously and may affect voting.  

    • I agree with what you're saying. In what ways do you think that would affect voting? 

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