Tropical Storm Issac, having already struck Cuba, The Floriday Keys and Haiti killing seven Hatians, Is headed for New Orleans. Experts say that this tropicla storm could very well turn into a hurricane before bringing havvock to the shores or New Orleans. A state of emergency has been declared for the city and people claim they are much more prepared. Also 4,000 National Guardsman have already been stationed in they area anticipating the worst. Hopefully the worst wont be what the recieve, New Orleans cant handle another Katrina.
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This would be bad i mean we all know what they had to go threw with hurricane katrina.
i always feel sad when hurricanes come through the U.S, but if people, for example in New Orleans, know this hurricane is coming. Why dont they evacuate. I dont know part of that i just dont really understand
This is to bad that New Orleans is going to get hit again, because I am sure they have just started getting everthing back together.
It would be terrible about some of those family that had just started rebuilding again, or they were done rebuilding, and then now they are got hit by Issac.
I hope everyone will be prepared for this and is ready in case this shall come. I would be so scared of a hurricane! I can barely stand tornadoes!
I starting to think that New Orleans is the city that get hit by hurricanes the most. I feel sorry for the people to have to keep abandoning their homes and for the people who lost loved ones. I hope nobody died down their.
I just hope everyone stays safe and gets away from that storm! New Orleans does not need another bad hurricane!
Awh. That is very unfortunate. I hope not alot of people got hurt, &send my prayers&condulences to the familys who lost someone special to them. By the way things sound, it sounds worse. :(
wow that's really ironic that hurricane Isac is supposed to hit the day Catrina did seven years ago. its also very terrible that those poor poor people have to go through the horrors that they are recovering from Catrina over seven years ago. hopefully the damage and devastation is not as bad as what was left after hurricane Catrina hit.
to be honest.. some of the people who suffered from katrina had it coming.. they were warned way ahead of time and they still didn;t do anything proactive for the most part. i totally agree though, i dont think the city of new Orleans could handle another katrina-like storm.