Recently a first time treasure hunter from Britain went out with only a normal metal detector and found one of the biggest stashes of roman gold coins from around the 4th century. The find is an estimated worth of £100,000 or $160,000. The man’s name has been kept secret but when he found the coins he went back to the shop where he bought the metal detector and asked what to do with the coins. In the end there where 119 more coins found and each coin is 22k gold.
I think that this man is one of the luckiest guys in Briton to have found the gold with such a weak metal detector.
What are your views on this find?
The link is below.
That is one lucky charm that metal detector. That treasure reminds me of Indiana Jones wiht his treasure hunting movies. That guy is lucky to get that much coins and it totals to 160,000 US dollars 8O.
That is really cool that he found gold using a medal detector if i was him i would be really happy and i would use a medal detector more often considering it just got me a ton of gold.
If I found that many gold coins with an ordinary metal detector I would be in shock! That is crazy! This guy is really lucky. I wish I could be that lucky, but I wouldn't know what to do with all of that money.
Wow. If i was him I'd stash those away while gold prices climb and when it to retire I'd sell them. Thats pretty amazing that he was able to find all that though.
I wish I had that much money and that much luck. I have a metal detector but i never use it.
It's impressive that he could find all of that with such a weak metal detector, they must have been pretty close to the surface.
Holy cow! Well, I guess i need to invest in a medal detector! That would be a pretty nice find!
thats kind of funny, because you see the commercials with metal detectors and the people finding like an old ring or something. But never 160,00 dollars. Whenever i use a metal detector all i find is nails...
Wow.. He is so lucky to have found those coins. This story makes me wanna buy a metal detector.
I think that this is awesome. There is probably so many more treasures out there that have yet to be discovered and this man was just lucky enough to find such a massive treasure! I bet he is living it up as we type!